Students urged to attend Career Fair
October 14, 2011
UW-River Falls will be holding its 20th annual Career Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19 in the Riverview Ballroom at the University Center. This year’s theme is “Where Preparation Meets Opportunity.” The career fair is open to all UWRF students and alumni.
According to the UWRF website, some benefits of attending the career fair include obtaining valuable information from both employers and graduate schools, being able to network directly with professionals in your field of interest, learning about the recruiting process, developing a business etiquette and professional attitude as well as getting your resume critiqued. Many students obtain job offers or internships as a result of attending the career fair.
UWRF Career Services puts a lot of time and effort behind planning the career fair. In an effort to prepare students, a prep session is being offered from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17 in the Falcon’s Nest at the UC.
The prep session will feature hands-on stations for students to learn exactly what it is they need to do prior to attending the fair. The session includes: practice networking, conversing with recruiters, creating appropriate application materials, learning about dressing professionally and researching organizations.
As of last year, Career Services implemented a dress code for attending the career fair. Employers were complaining that far too many students were showing up dressed in inappropriate clothing, including sweat pants, flip-flops, and t-shirts. If you are not dressed professionally, you will be turned away.
Career Services is also eager to accpet volunteers to help with displays, student registration, distributing refreshments, and other various tasks wherever needed during the fair. Volunteering is an excellent way to gain experience and build your resume. A training session for all volunteers will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17 at Career Services, 211 Hagestad Hall.
If you are interested in volunteering for the 2011 career fair or have additional questions, please contact Whitney Peissig, Career Fair Coordinator at 715-425-3572 or cfcoordinator@uwrf.edu.
We here at the Student Voice encourage all students to attend the career fair. It is never too early (or late) to be thinking about your future. Even if you don’t have the slightest clue as to what you want to do later in life, attending the fair is a great way to get your feet wet.