Student Voice


September 1, 2024

Letter to the editor

Burlington, Wis., resident voices concern regarding treatment of cows, milk quality

February 17, 2012

For many health conscious consumers a fundamental concern has been welling up: why is the world of microbes turning against us? To those who have been looking at information put forth by pertinent professionals, it becomes apparent why our national health profile is so dismal. We as a nation have parted ways with wholesome foods of the past and chosen instead the convenience of the present. (See:

But let’s focus on fundamentals of the cow. For the sake of production quantity, we have opted to feed her rations comprised of high amounts of genetically modified soy and corn. This ration produces an unnatural, highly acidic condition within the rumen, and her whole physiology suffers, leading dairy cattle to barely reach a lifespan of half a dozen years, and then it’s off to slaughter. (See: The current model of processing milk mixes product from any number of farms and also dictates price, leading farmers to cut every corner to stay solvent, including using high percentages of subsidized commodities like soy and corn.

Consumers should have the right to purchase from a farmer who feeds the cow correctly. (See Wisconsin State Senate Bill 108 is an effort to give WI citizens an option to centralized pasteurization. It provides for the sale of unpasteurized milk direct to the consumer. This offers the consumer the right to purchase from individual healthy milk sources that practice sustainable husbandry. Home pasteurization is an option for those concerned about pathogens.

William Neu
Wisconsin resident
