Student Voice


January 2, 2025

Letter to the editor

ITS defends technology issues

We write in the context of the recent email challenges and in response to the December Voice editorial (IT Fails Again) to remind the campus that IT staff are working hard to serve the technology needs of students, staff and faculty. Since last summer we have all been a part of a faculty/staff/student team, the ITS Redesign Project, working to make significant improvements in all aspects of IT services. The project encompasses more than 80 distinct tasks ranging from enhancements in hardware to software to user services to training for students, faculty and staff. A few examples of recently com- pleted projects are automating the process of granting new students access to IT resources, wireless connectivity in the Davee Library, South Hall and a portion of Centennial Science and enhanced support for classroom technology. The email problems the first week of classes have been frustrating, but please know that they are temporary. IT staff are implementing a solution to the slow email service which has resulted from the time it takes each week to back up the system. A second key IT priority is
extending wireless connectivity to Wyman Education Building, North Hall and the remainder of Centennial Science.

We encourage people to visit the IT Redesign website at for further updates on the project. Redesign team members are attentive to feedback, but we do want to correct information in the December editorial. Please note that when you click on helpdesk from the Web page, the phone number is clearly listed, and the helpdesk indeed is the appropriate, informed source to contact for e-mail problems, as well as other IT concerns. We hope the Voice will continue to cover IT issues and accomplishments, well informed by thorough research including conversations with Lisa Wheeler, Executive Director of IT Services.

Debra Allyn, Professor, Health and Human Performance
Suzanne Hagen, Professor, Speech Communication & Theatre Arts
Hossein Najafi, Professor, Computer Science & Information Systems
Marina Onken, Assistant Professor, Business Administration
