Student Voice


October 26, 2024


Chancellor search to include student input

April 25, 2008

The departure of Chancellor Don Betz leaves big shoes to fill, and the University is responsible for finding someone to fill them.

During Tuesday’s Student Senate meeting, it was announced that the next search committee for the chancellor is going to include students.

We believe that students are obviously a crucial element of this University and that their help in the decision process is entirely necessary. We are pleased to hear that students are going to be involved.

Although this was mentioned in the Student Senate recap article this week, more promoting needs to be done by those in charge of picking students for the committee.

Prior to the end of the school year, an e-mail should be sent to students with requirements and applications. Notifications should be posted on the campus TV channels and flyers put up around the school. Give enough notification so students do not go off for summer without knowing anything.

Unfortunately, most of this is going to be happening over the summer when students aren’t around. Since many students don’t stay in River Falls for the summer, we want to be sure that the opinions of the students are going to be taken seriously in this hiring process.

Make sure students don’t get swept under the rug in this whole process. As students, our opinions do matter. A chancellor is the head of a university, and students know very well what they want and who may fit the characteristics for a capable leader of UWRF.

Students should not be used be use as a symbol or just for show. Those in charge of selecting students for the committee should make sure they select a wide variety of students so that many different per- spectives and standards are represented.

It wasn’t until the mid 1990’s that students, staff, faculty and community members helped choose the new chancellor of the University. It used to just be the Board of Regents job, but now there is a screen and search committee who works to choose a new chancellor.

When the decision-making process is over, five names will be given to the Board. One of those names will be chosen as the new chancellor of UWRF.

Students need to be excited about this incredible opportunity that is given to them. Take the responsi- bility seriously and enjoy your opportunity to impact the future of UWRF.
