Student Voice


September 1, 2024

Letter to the editor

Student supports Halverson

November 11, 2011

As a student here at UW-River Falls, recent letters regarding our Student Senate President Tyler Halverson, sadden me. Through my years at UWRF, I have learned many things including humility, patience, respect, integrity and more specifically, the ability to have a healthy discussion with someone who has different viewpoints than me. I have had many of these discussions with Halverson in numerous capacities, as a fellow music student, co-worker and political enthusiast. As a young conservative, Halverson and I disagree on many political issues. However, I have never had a negative experience discussing politics with Halverson.

Though I disagree with Halverson’s views on the Voter ID Bill, I believe he was acting in the best interests of the students here at UWRF because it directly affects us all. Halverson is more than equipped to perform his duties as our Senate president, and I know he will continue to keep the students’ best interests in mind. Being president is a difficult job, and I know Halverson has surrounded himself with a variety of people, both those who “agree” and “disagree” with him, to better perform his duties. Though we may not agree or approve of everything Halverson does as president, healthy, respectful discussion will help to continue to move our wonderful campus forward.

Jim Aerts
