Student Voice


September 1, 2024

Letter to the editor

Register to vote on Nov. 4

October 3, 2014

After several setbacks, the documents students need to register and be voters in the Nov. 4 election are available. Voter ID cards are free in the card office, lower level of Davee Library.

Proof of residency can be established through the “WI Voter Verification” link on eSIS. Websites with useful information for students include the UW System's Student Voting Guide and the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board's My Vote Wisconsin.

All UW-River Falls students who will be over 18 years old on election day and are U.S. citizens, are eligible to vote in this election.

If you live in Wisconsin during the school year you may register and vote here, or you may return to your parents residence and vote. Do not vote in both locations for the same election - one person, one vote.

Stop by the voter registration table in the University Center for more information or help with registration.

Free, fair and honest elections are a vital part of a functioning democracy. UWRF students and voters should have a say in our government.

Benjamin Plunkett
UWRF student
