Senate Corner
Senate continues to fill open positions
October 24, 2013
This week the UW-River Falls Student Senate continued to fill open senator positions by bringing Madeline Pingry onto Senate as the Greek Representative.
Pingry was recommended by the Panhellenic Council, approved by the Shared Governance Committee and passed unanimously via voice vote on the floor of Senate.
By welcoming Pingry to Senate we have filled all but four positions, only leaving one first year position, the non-traditional representative, the military representative and the CAFES representative. We are still accepting applications for those positions, so if you are interested please find the application form on OrgSync.
The next thing on our agenda this week was an allocation from our reserve account to replenish the Allocable Fee and Appropriations Board’s Single Event Funding account to allow for Single Event Funding to continue for the remainder of the semester.
This motion was only an introductory motion and will not be voted on until next week’s meeting. We accomplished a lot on preparing the motion to be passed smoothly next week. The Single Event Funding account is for student organizations to fund events they want to hold that is not allocated from their budget. If the motion passes next week then the Single Event Funding account will have enough money to last the remainder of the semester. We will be discussing expanded funding for next semester near the end of this semester. In the Senate Executive Board Committee this week, we selected from a great group of candidates for our Public Relations Administrator position, which is a non-voting member of Senate.
The Public Relations Administrator will be in charge of all marketing and communications projects that will be taken on in Senate, and they have the honor of updating the UWRF Student Senate Facebook and OrgSync pages with all events we will be sponsoring, and major motions we will be passing. Out of our qualified group of candidates the Executive Board chose Blake Herbison to fulfill the roll.
The Senate is working on many projects that will help to improve our campus and you can be part of all the changes by applying today. A simple application is set up on the Senate OrgSync page that can lead you to anyone of our 100 open committee positions. These positions give students a voice on a number of committees and truly allow individual students to make a difference.
Matt Shutey, a student at UW-River Falls, is the 2013-2014 legislative affairs director for Student Senate.