Student Voice


January 21, 2025

UW-River Falls reaches 70% vaccination rate

November 13, 2021

As of Oct. 14th, the River Falls campus reached a 70% vaccination status for students. As of Nov. 1, the vaccination rate in students reached 73%. This is a huge milestone for the campus. Status on the Falcons Forward website displays that the vaccination rates through students continue to increase.

With the universities goal of 70% reached for vaccinated students, the 70 for 70 scholarships and prizes have been announced on Monday, Nov. 8th. Non-vaccinated students will continue to adhere to weekly testing, and the campus as a community will maintain mask-wearing indoors.

As the protect the nest campaign continues, the university advises students get tested who are feeling ill. There are still 48 slots available  Monday through Friday for testing in Hagestad Hall. A link is available for testing reservations on the Falcons Forward website. A short screening is to be completed before the test. Now that over 70% of students on campus are vaccinated, there are plenty of available spots each day for testing.

Protocols remain the same for the month of November, which includes weekly testing for those who are non-vaccinated, bi-weekly testing for the non-vaccinated commuters, and face coverings in all buildings. With masks still required inside, it’s essential that they are worn both over the mouth and nose, according to university guidelines. With either exposed, there’s a higher chance of illness being spread in places where social distancing is not possible.
