Student Voice


March 13, 2025

UWRF hosts virtual involvement fair for student organizations

August 30, 2020

The University is adjusting multiple events to be fully online due to the coronavirus pandemic. This year, the Involvement Fair will be held 100% virtual through the Blackboard Collaborative Platform. The event will be held from Sept. 2nd- Sept. 4th running from 8 a.m to 5:30 p.m each day.

Organizations and clubs from all across campus have registered through this platform for their allotted 30-minute time slot. They will present to any students that may have an interest in joining their organization and have listed their primary contacts to ensure students can get in touch with the org if they miss the allotted time, according to Trevor Knitter, the Graduate Student Intern from the Student Involvement Office.

Knitter explained why the choice was made to hold an online only event.

“In partnership with Pierce County Public Health and UW-System Administration, our Office decided this was the best option in terms of accessibility, feasibility, and most importantly the safest option for everyone involved,” Knitter said.

Knitter explained that attendance for events like this is unpredictable and even if only a small group attended, a risk would still be present. Concern was also raised about contact tracing due to not wanting to reduce accessibility to the fair with capacity limitations. 

According to Knitter, students are encouraged to do some research before the event to determine what organizations they would like to connect with. The best way to find this information is by looking at the UWRF myorgs website. Although students may not be able to connect with each organization during the fair itself, they are encouraged to connect with orgs they may have missed the live session by reaching out to their primary contact. 

“Sharing and providing connection information is much easier virtually, as links to join organizations can be shared in the Blackboard Room chat so prospective members can join easily.” 

Knitter said the virtual Involvement Fair makes it easier for student to join clubs and access information through links on the website. Knitter said students also can avoid the crowded tents that usually cover the fair. He said: “The tent is usually quite loud, and can sometimes be hard to hear with 156 different student organizations all under the same roof, which a virtual involvement fair could alleviate.”
