Student Voice


March 12, 2025

Comic Con returns this summer

May 8, 2019

Summer is fast approaching, which to many means that it’s time to hit up the local convention, or con as it is commonly referred to as.

All types of entertainment have their own variant of a convention, with some being larger than others, however the most popular conventions are the ones that have a more niche audience. Comic books, anime, manga, card games and board games all have conventions of their own, but only the largest conventions mix all of the above together to be what many call Comic Con. To many Comic Con is a grand start to summer that every fan wants and needs.

The largest Comic Con in the United States is the San Diego Comic-Con. The San Diego Comic-Con can in some ways be looked at as the grandfather of Comic Cons now seen around the nation. It began in 1970 when a group of avid film, comic, and tv fans decided to start their own convention, they called it the San Diego’s Golden State Comic-Minicon. By 1973 the con was taking off and had been renamed to the San Diego Comic-con, it has kept this name now for nearly 50 years with no sign of changing.

Luckily, in 2019 there are many more conventions around the country so traveling far to find a convention shouldn't be a big issue for fans. In nearby Minnesota, many cons can be found for fans of all types of media. One of the larger cons in recent years was the Minneapolis Wizard World Con that sadly is no longer coming back. However where one convention leaves two more take its place. Here are some alternatives that fans can look forward two in the coming weeks and months.

An upcoming convention would be the MSP Spring Con 2019, this convention is taking place from May 18-19 at the Minnesota State Fair grounds. This event is being put on by the MCBA, better known as the Midwest Comic Book Association, and plans to have over 200 comic book creators from across the United States. With many dealers, door prizes, grab bags and much more there is a lot to look forward to at MSP 2019.

Another large convention coming up in the next few weeks is AniMinneapolis. AniMinneapolis explains itself as an epic three-day celebration of anime, video games, and music in Minneapolis. The convention takes place from May 24-26, located at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. This event is more focused around an anime and manga theme, however there is something interesting for any nerd.

The final convention to be mentioned is a convention called MetaCon. This convention takes place from August 30 through September 1. Again like AniMinneapolis the convention will be located at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. The website explains MetaCon as a three-day comic and sci-fi convention that includes every aspect of geek culture and nerd life. The convention being placed in the last days of summer may be a good way to get a last hurrah in before school starts up again.
