Student Voice


February 16, 2025

Meet your Student Government Association candidates: Zain Kaiser

April 12, 2017


Computer Science 

Previous Position on Student Senate: At-Large Senator 

Running For: President and Vice President 

Q: Why have you decided to run? 

A: After talking to many of my peers, I was encouraged to run. I am confident that I can bring forth a change to the culture that surrounds our student government. As the status quo stands, our student government is disconnected from our students. That needs to change. Students need to be at the forefront of what we do, and as a student myself I am running to bring forth this change.

Q: What issues will you focus on if elected? 

A: Firstly, I will be ensuring that we are spending directly on student organizations and programs that benefit students. From providing a ride service to the Twin Cities, to streamlining the student organization budget process, my goal is to ensure that our spending serves our students.

I will also revamp the fight against sexual assault on campus. Sexual assault is a critical issue on our campus. My goal is to fight it head on at our campus by implementing programs that educate students about sexual assault prevention. I will also make sure survivors on our campus receive the resources they need. I will work alongside our incoming violence prevention coordinator to fight sexual assault. This problem is very personal to me, and I pledge to dedicate my resources and time to removing it from our campus.

I will also be expanding dining services and library hours on campus. From increasing dining hours to implementing new venues, my goal is to improve the dining experience of students. Furthermore, the library hours are currently insufficient. My goal is to increase these hours to better serve students.

I will also work to make campus more accessible for students with disabilities. From advocating to make all campus buildings wheelchair accessible, to ending the stigma around learning disabilities, my hope is to empower our students with disabilities.

I also look to fight for academic programs on campus. In the past years, we have seen many of our departments across campus take a hit. One of my best friends had to transfer this semester because his academic program was no longer being offered. My goal is to stand up for these academic programs on campus and help bring them back.

I will also cut unnecessary spending by the student government. Our student government’s primary goal should be to serve its students, and that’s why we need to reevaluate where the money is being spent and make sure it serves students. I will also be opposing fee increases that do not benefit our student body. Our students deserve a student government who will make sure that we stand by our students.

I will also support and better integrate Greek Life within campus. I will do so by implementing a Greek Life committee. My hope is to aid the Interfraternity Council in giving our Greek community a stronger voice on campus. I also hope to work alongside our Greek community by introducing the addition of a Greek Life senator on campus.

I will also support and help expand our athletic programs. With the addition of the Falcon Center, my goal is to utilize this facility by increasing our athletic programs and supporting our current programs. This covers intramural sports, club sports and varsity sports.

Q: How will you better engage with students? 

A: I will better engage our students by implementing a town hall-style meeting that will be held on a regular basis. This will remove the disconnect and allow us as a government to serve our students to the best of our abilities.

Q: How can the Student Government Association be improved?

A: To improve student government, we need to listen to our students. Many students on campus don't even know what this organization is. This organization has to connect with students. I remember during my time serving as a senator, I was able to talk to students and bring their issues to light. With my leadership, I believe I can implement this change to improve student government.

Q: Why should students vote for you?

A: If students are looking for a change in student government, I am your candidate. My platform was developed with the aid of many of my peers. If given this opportunity, I will deliver this much-needed change.

The Student Government Association election will be held on FalconSync starting at 8 a.m. Monday, April 17 and ending at 4 p.m. Friday, April 21.  
