Student Voice


February 24, 2025

Meet your Student Government Association candidates: Jacob Timm

April 12, 2017


Agricultural Education Major

Current Position in Student Senate: At-Large Senator

Running For: Vice President 

Q: Why have you decided to run?
A: I have decided to run as student body vice president to continue growing our campus through promoting quality education, student safety, inclusivity and sustainability. I will continue to push the boundaries of educational quality and affordability within all colleges while creating legacies for future students of UW-River Falls.

We, as the Student Government Association, need to engage more with students making sure that our educational ideas and values align with those of the professors as we first go to college for an education. I want to bring campus into the future as I work “With you, for you, for UWRF!”

Q: What issues will you focus on if elected?
A: If I am elected to serve as the student body vice president, I will focus on issues including the quality of education, student safety, inclusivity and sustainability.

Safety and inclusivity are some of the most important issues that will be focused on. I will work to ensure that students are comfortable in their classes to give their ideas freely without the fear of be discriminated.

Also, as this is a college campus, alcohol is consumed. I will work for including a bar in the University Center to promote safe and smart drinking habits.

We also need to focus on health safety as a campus. Within this area, I will help to develop awareness programs and campus groups focusing on mental and sexual health. We need to be aware of the mental health of the campus, making sure that students are able to gain the knowledge necessary to be successful when they leave UWRF.

My final area that I will be focusing on is campus sustainability. On this year’s ballot, there is a referendum for the Greenovation Fund. This will allow us to increase sustainable lighting and increase our ability to invest in solar panels and wind turbines. We need to collaborate on issues regarding energy use from renewable sources and ways to increase these types of efforts.

Feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have about these issues, or check out our Facebook page for more details.

Q: How will you better engage with students?
A: The growth of students is the reason that I am running for office. I would like to increase student engagement with the SGA by tabling in the UC more to get more feedback from them. This campus is driven by the students who go here, and without knowing their needs, we are unable to create a campus for all.

I will make myself visible at all times in order to connect with students on a personal level. I will also create monthly roundtable discussions with students, getting to know what they find necessary for this campus. I will also implement weekly Facebook live chats to allow students to voice their opinions. I want the students to know that I am “With them, for them, for UWRF!"

Q: How can the Student Government Association be improved?
We, the SGA association, need to bring students in on more issues regarding direct impacts to their college experience. This will begin with connecting with students before, during and after the meetings through Facebook live streaming of the meetings. We also need to make sure that we are holding each other accountable that are serving within the SGA. We will need to ensure that meetings are run efficiently and according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Q: Why should students vote for you?
A: As a student of this university, I see changes that need to happen. Students should vote for me so these issues can be resolved and make UWRF a top university, not only in Wisconsin but also in the nation. I want to help to continue growing the university while always looking toward the future and making sure the students of UWRF get the best quality and enriching experiences.

I would humbly accept your votes for me as I run for vice president of the student body of UWRF. Together we can make this campus better as I am “With you, for you, for UWRF!”

The Student Government Association election will be held on FalconSync starting at 8 a.m. Monday, April 17 and ending at 4 p.m. Friday, April 21.
