Student Voice


July 26, 2024

Student Senate Update: 2/7/2017

February 8, 2017

Three senatorial appointees were confirmed at the Feb. 7 Student Senate meeting:

College of Business and Economics: Jake Jin was confirmed at the CBE senator.

College of Education and Professional Studies: Cassandra McGuire was confirmed as the CEPS senator.

At-Large: Chris Jurewitsch was confirmed as an at-large senator.

One executive branch position was confirmed:

External Relations Director: Austin Smith was confirmed as the new external relations director.

Three motions were discussed:

It’s On Us Midwest Summit Funding Appropriation: A motion to allocate $9,000 from the Student Senate funding pool for the purposes of holding a Midwest It’s On Us summit.

  • Passed: 9 in favor, 3 opposed, 2 abstained

Allocation of Funds for Hump Day Cafe: A motion to allocate $5,000 from the Student Government Association Student Senate funding pool for the Hump Day Cafe to be held every Monday and Wednesday.

  • Passed.

AFAB Bylaws Revision: A motion to add a sunset clause to the AFAB bylaws altering the single event funding pool, specifically regarding how much student organizations can request and what happens to unused organized activity fee funds.

  • Passed.

The information in this update comes from the minutes posted to the Student Government Association FalconSync page every week. Student Senate meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Willow River Room of the University Center.
