Student Voice


February 8, 2025

Letter to the editor

2014 deer hunting season brings new regulation, traditional encouragement

November 7, 2014

Starting in 2011, an extensive review was conducted of Wisconsin's deer management program. The result of this undertaking -- known as the Deer Trustee Report -- included over 60 recommendations designed to improve Wisconsin's deer management programs and the overall hunting experience.

And now the wait is nearly over for the 2014 gun deer season. For those who embrace this Wisconsin tradition, I'd like to share some information and clarify the new 2014 rule changes to ensure that you have a stress free hunt when you head out to the woods.

The department has developed a short two-page summary of the 2014 rule changes. You can read it by searching "deer" on the DNR website: You will find the summary under the "Tools for your season" header.

The new rule changes were the result of the hunting community sharing their voice on the changes they would like to see. The department is asking for your flexibility and understanding as we move through this first year of the new rule changes. This is also our first year with the changes.

Wisconsin's annual gun deer hunt is an opportunity to come together and have fun with family and friends. Although there are some regulatory changes to season dates, management zones, and licenses, they won't hinder your hunt.

To make sure your hunt isn't hindered, we want to share information about the changes well in advance. We also want to be available for our hunters to answer questions you may have.

For hunters who don't have easy access to a computer, call the toll free DNR help line: 1-888-936-7463 to request a copy to be sent to you.

Call that same number anytime during the hunt if you have any questions out in the field. That number is staffed seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Deer in Wisconsin are a public resource. Deer -- like birds or any other wildlife -- don't know land ownership boundaries or who has the right to hunt on each side of the fence. I encourage you to be thoughtful of your neighboring landowners' rights and to be respectful when you interact with other hunting parties in the field. We do the best for resources and sport when we use each other. Through lawful and ethical participation, we can all benefit for seasons to come.

Please consider encouraging someone new to join the sport and continue to be the example of ethics in the field.

Good luck on a safe and successful hunt.

Dan Baumann
Secretary's Director
West Central Region, Wisconsin DNR
