Student Voice


March 14, 2025


Internships allow students to connect with major, earn real-life experience

October 10, 2014

Even though it is still fall and we are only just over a month into the new semester, it is still never too early to start thinking about next spring, summer or post-graduation.

In particular, it is never too early to start searching for new jobs or internships. While not every college student sees the need to pursue an internship before or right after graduation, they are actually very beneficial tools for the future. Not only do they make a resume look great and appealing to employers, they also teach many life and workplace lessons that cannot be acquired in the classroom.

You have heard it before, and you will hear it again many, many times. Employers especially look for the candidates who have had experience— whether that is a part-time job during school or summer, extracurricular activities, or of course, internships.

Typically students will pursue an internship the summer before their final year of college, just before they start actively searching for a full-time job. This way, all of the experiences and lessons they acquired from their internship will be fresh in their mind once they enter the workplace. This–and many other benefits–is what are especially appealing to employers.

No matter what your major is, there is bound to be an internship to fit your career goals. Sometimes it may seem like there are not many opportunities available. With a good amount of research, there are actually options to choose from.

I have heard of every internship from writing and marketing, to teaching a summer school class, to working in a science lab. Everything counts, no matter if it is in-person or online. Some companies that do not already have internship opportunities may be open to creating them. You will never know what is out there without a bit of research.

As I mentioned before, with the constant developments in technology, more and more companies are choosing to offer internships online.

I personally took an online internship this summer, and I got just as much out of it as I would if I sat in an office all day. Online internships are great, because it allows the intern to work at their own pace at a time that works for them. There is a lot of flexibility with online internships when it comes to projects and reports; the intern decides what they personally want to learn more about or have a particular interest in, such as a new product.

Now is the time to start searching for internships. It can be difficult to be accepted as an intern; it is not always the case that you will find the perfect internship. But if one turns you down, it is up to you to keep researching until you find another. You may have to apply to nearly 50 internships before finding one, but once you do find it, it is worth every minute. After graduation, when you finally enter the workplace, you will know exactly what to expect. And you will thank yourself for it.

Cristin Dempsey is an English major and music minor from Eagan, Minn. She enjoys writing, playing the flute and swimming. After college she would like to pursue a career as an editor.
