Student Voice


August 31, 2024

Letter to the editor

Elect Democratic women to state Senate

September 26, 2014

We can make history this year -- in this election -- by electing all five of the Democratic women running for the state Senate. If all five of us win, for the first time in Wisconsin history and only the third time in the U.S., women would be a majority of a state legislative majority.

Back in 2006, when I was first elected I was the first woman ever to represent the voters of Wisconsin’s 31st District. But to make history again this year, to be a part of the majority of a majority, I need to win this November, along with the other four women Democratic candidates.

For this, I need your help. Our campaign is in full swing. We have strong grassroots support, local ward organizers in key areas; county coordinators working hard to motivate Dem volunteers and yard signs sprouting on lawns all over the district.

You and I share a vision of what our communities can become. You know how important rebuilding a sense of community is for the future of Wisconsin. Your investment in my campaign for re-election to the state Senate can make a real difference in my efforts to reach voters.

Republican operatives in Madison have said they want to "take me out!” They know the trouble I caused when they wanted to secretly pass bills to take away local control and protections for land, air and water. They know how I raised the alarm about state money rushing into out-of-state private charter school companies.

I need your help to spread my message that people are more powerful than money. I need your help in spreading the message that all of us can make history by electing women to the Senate. Let’s make this election one more step forward in creating the future we want for our families and our communities. Thank you very much for your support.

Sen. Kathleen Vinehout
District 31 (D-Alma)
