Letter to the editor
UWRF alumnus seeks re-election
March 14, 2014
On April 1, two candidates will be running for the nonpartisan office of River Falls mayor. Only one is a UW-River Falls graduate who was mayor from 2004-2012. I am that guy.
Not many issues come before the City Council directly affecting students. Parking? Yes, but not often. Cooperation with UWRF on issues like re-designing Cascade Avenue? Of course. Improved accommodations for bikers? Definitely. But here are two reasons you might consider voting for me: I, with the help of the City Council, was primarily responsible for getting the inclusive community sign put on three entrances to the city. Chancellor Don Betz thought it a good idea to put the UWRF and city signs on the same post, I agreed. Do you think those signs are important? Good for UWRF and the city? I definitely do. Respond via Twitter if you wish.
I was also given the UWRF Outstanding Service Award in 2009 for various collaborative efforts between the city and University.
Have I convinced you? If not, consider this: think of how good you will feel by committing a random act of voting kindness!
Don Richards
River Falls