Student Voice


July 26, 2024


Use spring break to catch up, stay safe on vacation

March 14, 2014

Spring break begins on March 14, relieving students from the stress of classes for a week. It is time that allows students to catch up on their z’s, re-energize themselves for the last half of the semester and of course, just enjoying the comforts of home sweet home.

We would like to remind students that while it is important to have fun and enjoy themselves over break, it is equally as important to keep safety and productivity on their minds as well. Of course we do not want to sound like an overbearing parent, but we do want to let students know that coming back from break in the best mindset is what we hope for.

Having a week off of school can allow time to build resumes. Looking for internships and volunteer opportunities that will benefit your future is a plus. Although volunteer opportunities are unpaid, having the satisfaction of being able to impact a community in a positive way while being able to add it to your resume is priceless. Working at a humane society, Habitat for Humanity, or another worthy cause can give you something exciting to say when friends and professors ask the “What did you do over spring break?” question. Internships are also an excellent way to build up your resume as well as gain valuable experience that will help you in your fi eld of interest. Utilizing the week of free time to better your current and future self will certainly put you ahead in this game called life.

While it may not be fun to spend your break getting ahead on homework, if you get that 10-page paper out of the way now you may find yourself less stressed later on when more assignments start piling up. However, if you plan on doing homework, remember to still set some time aside for yourself to hang out with friends, take a short road trip or even just to have a movie and ice cream night on the couch with your dog.

For traveling students, whether you are going to Hawaii, Las Vegas, Florida or Latvia, it is important to be aware of the safety precautions and risks you may face. With the recent Malaysia plane mystery and the discovery of travelers being in possession of stolen passports, students should be aware of ways to keep themselves protected. Keep your possessions close and stay in areas that are known to be safer than others. Always use caution when traveling in new and unfamiliar areas. If possible, always bring a buddy or inform someone where your travels may take you.

With that, break out the sweatpants and get comfy. Enjoy the week of freedom that we are ever so grateful for and have a productive, safe and happy spring break!
