Student Voice


February 5, 2025

Letter to the editor

Mayoral candidate cites qualifications

March 28, 2014

On Tuesday, April 1, two candidates will be running for the office of River Falls mayor. One is a UW-River Falls graduate who was also mayor from 2004 to 2012. I am that guy. Not many issues come before the River Falls City Council directly affecting students. Parking? Yes, but not often. Cooperation with UWRF on issues like re-designing Cascade Avenue? Definitely. Improved accommodations for bikers? For sure.

In the last issue, I suggested two reasons to vote for me. Here are two more reasons to consider. I’ve also given enough money to UWRF over the past years to be in the Chancellor’s Circle, a category requiring total gifts of at least $10,000. I give because I recognize that without UWRF, River Falls would be just another small town in west central Wisconsin. I also do so because I realize the value of UWRF to me and to students over the years. Students, faculty and support staff make this town a very special place.

Second, I am an avid supporter of athletics, the arts and all things competitive. This year, I have seen “Chicago” and “Vinegar Tom.” Both were great, as are the various art displays on campus. I also saw many home football and basketball (men’s and women’s) games. I was entertained and impressed by many individual performances in all of those games. I would also like to congratulate all of the agricultural judging teams, which always do well against big and small schools.

To vote, you must be 18, have a River Falls address and be registered. You can register online on the day of the election at your proper polling place, depending on where you live. You must have proof of residence. Dorm residents east of South Hall can vote at the University Center. Dorm residents west of South Hall must vote at River Falls High School on Cemetery Road. Other registration possibilities are found on the River Falls City Government website.

Have I convinced you? If not, just remember: you will be committing a random act of voting kindness, which will make you feel uncommonly good!

Don Richards
River Falls
