Senate Corner
Senate passes major changes at meeting
November 21, 2013
Senate has many interesting updates for the week. In the long session that we held on Tuesday we approved many major changes.
The first was a change to the Sport Club allocable fee funding process. Sport Clubs budgets will now be managed by Campus Recreation. This will allow us to streamline the process for Sport Clubs.
The second major change that we updated was Allocated Fees Appropriations Board’s (AFAB) documents. The updated AFAB documents are an attempt to make sure that the processes we use to allocate funding run much smoother than they have in the past. The new bylaws and policy are now in effect and we hope that this ushers in a new beginning for the way that budgets are done.
The last thing that we managed to accomplish in our session was passing updates to the implementation plan. This is massive because it is our main government document. These updates help us govern ourselves better and serve you.
Senate would like to thank the students who came to the meet the senate event. We were utterly surprised at the turnout. Due to the large turnout, we would like to apologize for those who were not able to receive food at the event. We would also like to thank the people on the Shared Government Committee and the Student Affairs and Academic Services Committee for their hard work at setting up the event. Another shout out goes out to Student Life for the wonderful prizes that were given out at the event. Again, thank you all for attending and we hope you all enjoyed the great food as well as the concert afterwards.
We are also still looking for people to join committees. We have many open seats on many different ones. They range across all majors and minors and are great opportunities to gain valuable experience. So if you are interested please go on to Orgsync and apply or visit the Senate office and ask us about the open positions. Hope to you see you soon.
Nick Vanden Heuvel is a double major in political science and international studies who does school work by day and fights white collar crime by night.