Student Voice


September 1, 2024

Letter to the editor

Residency requirement benefits student life

October 31, 2013

The article “Campus Residency requirement confines students” is an incredibly poor assessment of the Residence Halls. As an employee of the Department of Residence Life I find this article to be not only inaccurate, but also incredibly ignorant to the luxury of living on campus. Let’s address the grievances one by one.

With regards to the temperature of the rooms, the average temperature of four of my residents rooms was a comfortable 67 degrees (also space heaters are not allowed in the rooms). The refrigerators in the halls work fine. Upon an informal survey of some residents, I received no complaints about the refrigerators. If a fridge seems to be ineffectively working, report it to the facilities staff, and it will be taken care of. The freezers also work beautifully.

The fact that UW-River Falls provides fridges for residents is a huge privilege. This alleviates the stress and cost of buying a fridge. Also, if someone got food poisoning it is more than likely due to their inability to prepare food.

The fact that there is a kitchen in the basement for students to use is also a privilege. It would be nice if people would be thankful for the amenities provided. Students are not required to cook in the residence halls, and therefore do not need cooking utensils. On top of that, anyone with a social-fee card is allowed to rent anything out from the desk for five days. Therefore, if someone has any foresight or chooses to cook before midnight, the utensil issue ceases to exist.

The most inconsiderate and inconsistent complaint in the whole article is her opinion about silence. It does not make any sense to complain about things being too loud, and then criticize the implementation of quiet hours. No matter where you are, noise will infiltrate one’s room. That is what happens when you live around other humans. If it is really as bothersome as is suggested it can be resolved by closing the window, studying in one of the study lounges or studying in the library. If none of these places are suitable, there are a plethora of other places where one can feel comfortable studying.

Students are required to live on campus for two years because it allows them to establish a good base at River Falls. Inside the residence hall, the real college experience comes to life. Life skills are cultivated, and community is built. This is where people grow. Living in a residence hall removes many of the stressors that are associated with going to college like being near your classes, having a place to call home and being near a cafeteria that feeds you.

Much of what was said is just a series of petty complaints that take the whole institution of a residence hall for granted. Residence halls are a necessary and high-functioning institution on campus, and for all those who disagree I would encourage them to find somewhere else that provides as much for you as residence halls do.

Thomas Crawford
Student, UW-River Falls
