Career Fair provides job opportunities
October 10, 2013
Whether you are a freshman or a senior in college, the thought about what you are going to do professionally after college is sometimes a scary thought.
UW-River Falls Career Services is helping students with this by hosting its 22nd annual Career Fair, and giving students an opportunity to make future job connections.
The Career Fair will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Oct. 16, 2013, in the University Center Ballroom, as well as in the upper level of the Falcon’s Nest.
One thing that is unique about the Career Fair at UWRF is that it gives a student the opportunity to organize and plan it.
“I think this event and that we have a student coordinate it says a lot about our commitment to helping students gain leadership experiences on this campus. I don’t know of any other UW System schools that have a student coordinate their career fair,” Director of Career Services Melissa Wilson said. “At UWRF it has historically always been a student that takes the reins and coordinates an event this size.”
Michal Berkoben is a graduate intern for Career Services and is in charge of the event this year.
“The main things are getting employers registered and interested in the Career Fair,” Berkoben said. “We were really lucky this year because many employers signed up very quickly and we filled up faster than most years, which I think is a direct reflection of our students and a lot of employers like to come to this campus to meet with our students.”
Each year more than 750 students attend the Career Fair.
“The Career Fair is a good way to network and find potential job opportunities,” student Amanda Marthaler said.
Students of all ages and majors are encouraged to attend the fair. There are jobs available for seniors that will be graduating, as well as internships that can be given to people that are still in school.
“It is really beneficial for students of any age or major. I think a lot of freshman and sophomores assume it’s not as relevant to them,” Berkoben said. “However, it’s a great opportunity for them to get comfortable meeting, networking and talking to employers and learning how to market themselves. Obviously they can find internships and jobs as well. Juniors and seniors can really get their foot in the door with a lot of great companies for internships and jobs.”
Michael Harein, a business management major, said he will be attending the fair. “I want to go to the Career Fair because I want to learn more about jobs that are focused towards my major. I want to see if I can get an internship in something related to business,”
This year, there will be 87 booths at the fair with employers from all different types of businesses. Employers are eager to come to UWRF to find potential employees that can bring positive things to their businesses.
“I’ve spoken to some of the employers who have said that they get the majority of their interns and new hires from our career fair,” Wilson said.
The Career Fair requires attendees to come in professional attire with resumes on hand to give to potential employers. For more information or questions about the upcoming Career Fair, contact Career Services.