Student Voice


October 6, 2024


Twenty-five adventures to complete before graduation

May 2, 2013

For those of you not yet graduating in the next couple weeks, or even if you are, there are a few things that you should do before you graduate, as suggested from the “101 things to do before you graduate River Falls” sheet which all first-year students receive.

Although there are just a few days until finals and summer vacation, there is still plenty of time to get a few in.

1. Star gaze out at the intramural fields.
May I suggest going out as far as you can. With the recent building of the apartments behind Hathorn Hall, it has become a little difficult to see them at their fullest right now.

2. Play at a local park.
If you head down Cascade Ave., past Dairy Queen, you will find yourself a bridge and park. There are two separate playgrounds to pick from, so go wild.

3. Run or skip across the suspension bridge.
If you can get it to bounce, congrats. You have succeeded.

4. Check out downtown River Falls.
Check out all the shops and restaurants you can.

5. Go for a walk on every trail on campus.
Seriously do it. Just to clear your head, or for fun.

6. Go to the Falls Theater.
A cheap date and good movies. Seriously, where can you go wrong?

7. Check out a book or movie from the River Falls Public Library.
Having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a library card. Really, it’s the cheapest form of entertainment that you can find. For $2 you can pick from hundreds of books and movies.

8. Play “mud volleyball” in the pouring rain.
There is still hope for this to happen. Put on clothes that you don’t care much for and have fun with it.

9. Run clear across campus to get ice cream at Dairy Queen or Yo-Joe’s before it closes.
It is completely OK to do this, within reason. Aim for a 15 minute window at a minimum.

10. Perfect your waffle-making skills using the Riverside Commons waffle makers.
Do not take this lightly, it truly is an art.

11. Get help at the Writing Center in Kleinpell Fine Arts.
With final papers fast approaching, it is important to remember that this resource is there for you. After all, it is best to have one or more people look at your paper.

12. Pet a cow at Lab Farm 2
Take a break from your studies and drive down to see these animals.

13. Climb the rock wall at the Knowles Center.
They have the hours posted online and around campus. If you are looking to try something new before vacation, here’s your chance.

14. Watch a movie on one of the HBO channels.
Check our local listings and find out what’s going to be on. They are always changing and are pretty recent flicks.

15. Walk to Shopko to buy one thing, but walk out with 10.
It’s going to happen, whether you would like it or not. There is always going to be something else that you “will have to have,” and after an internal battle with yourself it’s just going to happen.

16. Visit Career Services.
Again, this is a service there for you. They can help you with résumés, cover letters and much, much, more.

17. Spend an entire weekend in bed.
Think of it as you time. Have a lot of work to do? Do it there, bring your computer and paperwork in bed. It’s completely OK to have a pajama day.

18. Stalk a squirrel without getting caught.
If you can do so, great. If not, be prepared to pay $200.

19. Lay out in the grass of the University Center Mall.
Stay with me, it’s going to get better outside. I promise.

20. Have a late night talk with roommates, friends and neighbors.
It’s fun, it’s a stress reliever and more importantly they’re your friends. With summer on its way take this opportunity to just talk and genuinely listen to each other.

21. Take a late night pizza trip to Steve’s Pizza.
A no-nonsense thin crust, abundant toppings and excellent sauce. Plus, they make a killer gyro, too. Good stuff.

22. Grab a latte at the Dish and Spoon.
Or one of their hand crafted sandwiches, or quiche. It’s all good.

23. Take a nap in the library.
It’s OK, just make sure you don’t snore.

24. Read the Student Voice.
You can check this one off since clearly you are reading it.

25. Learn about credit cards.
You are at now an adult, it may  be hard to accept but it’s true.

Meg Rodriguez is a student at UW-River Falls.
