Student Voice


March 11, 2025

Delta Theta Sigma reinstated on campus after two-year ban

April 25, 2013

The Delta Theta Sigma fraternity (DTS) was reinstated by UW-River Falls Director of Student Life Paul Shepherd on April 12. DTS lost recognition with the University two years ago.

DTS President Luke Beistle said that losing recognition “was frustrating.” The reason Delta Theta Sigma was unrecognized by the campus, Beistle said, “is a long story.” The fraternity was accused of wrong doings, along with an accumulation of other events and it snowballed into a bigger deal from there.

In order to be reinstated, the members had to do several things. In addition to having to be off campus for two years, and not getting into any trouble, the members worked closely with three faculty advisors for the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences (CAFES).

Members worked with David Trechter, Justin Luther and Nate Splett to revise the fraternity’s bylaws. Beistle also said that they worked with these individuals because they needed someone with higher seniority to help them get reinstated.

The campus also gave DTS a sheet of goals to achieve by Student Life officials. One of the requirements for being reinstated included being a dry house for two years, which meant there could not be any alcohol at all.

The members had to improve their image and participate in more philanthropy events. Two examples of philanthropy DTS participated in were Relay for Life and highway cleanup.

The fraternity had to pick new members as well. Beistle said that was the hardest part.

Beistle said that he was surprised with how quickly the reinstatement process went.

Beistle, fellow member Adam Strebe, Luther, Trechter, a member from the National Alumni Board and members from the DTS Alumni Board all met with Shepherd and after one meeting it was done; DTS was reinstated onto campus. Beistle thought that they would have to at least be on probation.

Beistle went on to say that the fraternity’s most recent goal is to maintain a good relationship with campus, and have good lines of communication between themselves, its Alumni and National Board and campus.

A few of the members said that they felt a sense of accomplishment after reinstatement. One member said that he really gained perspective and another said that it was the first good think to happen in two years. They were also happy because they had 13 new members join the fraternity.

Because DTS is recognized on campus again, the fraternity is able to participate in campus events again. This also means that members can help with recruitment.

Beistle also said that without the help of Trechter, Luther and Splett, DTS would not have been able to do anything.

He added that since being reinstated, everything is different now and member Kyle Willfahrt said that he is “glad to be real again.”

Erik Brettingen is one of the new members to DTS this semester and said that to him, being in a fraternity allows for more campus involvement, and “you definitely become close friends with the people.” Beistle added that being in a fraternity gives you a sense of responsibility.

All the members said that they are excited to work with Shepherd and Student Life.
