Student Voice


July 27, 2024


Student Senate requests student input in regards to reserve account

February 10, 2012

The UW-River Falls Student Senate revealed recently at their town hall meeting that $114,000 exists in a reserve account, and that they are unsure exactly what to do with this money. The senate is therefore requesting input from students in order to discern what would be the best course of action in regards to distributing this account. The senate also mentioned that if a course of action is not established as quickly as possible they are in danger of losing the account altogether.

We here at the Student Voice have come up with a list of potential ideas for the senate, in attempt to help foster their decision-making. Landscaping was mentioned as a possible use for the money, especially throughout the areas of campus that seem especially in need of such revamping. The updating of equipment for various departments and student organizations was also mentioned as a possibility. The senate is encouraging student organizations who feel they could use a portion of the money to submit a request, to which the senate will approve or deny said request. Assessing various building repairs around campus also seems like a viable solution. The Voice also discussed various plans that would involve giving back to the students and the River Falls community.

The senate does its best to speak on the behalf of all students, though it is always better to use your own voice. If you would like to begin speaking for yourself please consider becoming part of the senate! There are many different opportunities to voice your opinion, including sitting in on a senate meeting. Another way is to run a campaign and become a representative for senate yourself. You have a voice, use it!

If you feel you have an appropriate idea for the senate regarding the distribution of this account, please contact President Tyler Halverson at
