Student Voice


September 1, 2024

Letter to the editor

Student responds to anti-abortion insert

December 2, 2011

In your recent edition of the Student Voice there was an insert in the paper about being pro-life and breast cancer. When I read the insert I became VERY offended. I myself am a pro-choice person and the article not only frustrated me, but it also angered me that the Voice would permit such an article in the paper!

For the most part the Voice has tried to be unbiased in most of its articles. This article reflects upon the Student Voice and labels it as a pro-life paper. I wasn’t sure if it was just me or if others had become offended by the paper or not, so I asked a few of my other friends what they thought of the paper and they agreed. I had numerous friends become disgusted and outraged that the Voice would permit such an act.

My intent with this letter is to be sure that the Voice is aware of said article and that this is truly what the entire staff believes. If not everyone agrees on your staff to print such article then it should not be printed!

Carl Ballman
