Student Voice


October 24, 2024


Students encouraged to honor Veterans Day

November 11, 2011

Veterans Day is upon us, which is a time that calls upon all Americans to thank the men and women who have served our country. UW-River Falls is honoring U.S. veterans killed in Iraq or Afghanistan since 2003 by displaying 6,300 American flags outside of the University Center, one for each service member killed as a result of the conflicts. The flags have been up since Sunday, Nov. 6 and will be taken down Saturday, Nov. 12.

There are currently around 500 students on campus who are veterans or who are dependants of veterans, which is approximately 5 percent of the student population. Around 250 of these veterans are utilizing education benefits. The Veterans Services office, located in room 220 of South Hall, offers veterans benefit and certifies those benefits as well.

The Student Voice editorial staff wishes to extend gratitude to all veterans, from all generations. Veterans day is about all veterans.

In troubled economic times such as these, there seems to be an overwhelming sense of disillusionment when it comes to being a proud American. But no American should take for granted all that they have readily available to them, or should forget the possibility of realizing the American dream. Our freedom has been carried on the backs of American soldiers.

Our American soldiers have fought hard, be it in training, peacetime deployment or war, they sometimes had to push themselves to the limit of their endurance, and even beyond.

Not all veterans paid every price or even saw combat, but all paid a price, and were willing to put their lives on the line for their country. For this, we owe them our thanks.

We also wish to extend gratitude to all of the families of veterans who have lost a loved one or who have a family member in active duty now. You can support the troops even if you don’t support the war. Throughout the week at UWRF, donations have been accepted for the care package drive and tables have been set up in the UC so that students could write “thank you” letters to the troops. Just because the events surrounding Veterans Day are almost over, doesn’t mean its too late to send things to the troops. Thank you, American veterans, past and present, for all that you have done for our country.
