Student Voice


March 13, 2025


Approaching snow season is anticipated by some, but to other residents it is foreboding

November 11, 2011

It is now two weeks into November and the temperature is dropping. If any readers are like myself, that dreadful “s” word is rapidly approaching and you’re not looking forward to it. For others, that “s” word is exciting and they can’t wait for the white fluffy flakes to fall from the sky.

Snow, the cold and slushy aspects of late fall and winter. The majority of leaves have fallen from the trees and Halloween has past. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means the ground will be covered in a blanket of snow within a month. I always say that I may have been born in Minnesota, but that doesn’t mean I belong in the upper Midwest. Perhaps someday I can live in a warmer climate.

The freezing temperatures and the walking back and forth to classes is one of the struggles many college students face. I strongly dislike getting my shoes and cuffs of my pants wet with snow and then have to sit in class for an hour. Thankfully, UW-River Falls has snow removal crews that make our pathways clear of mushy snow.

Most people heard about the heavy Minnesota snow last year that caused the Metrodome roof to collapse. Along with the collapse, people were snowed in and had cars that wouldn’t start.

Thankfully, residents of the northern United States are mostly used to the heavy snow we receive every winter and always seem to find a way around problems that arise.

With the cold temperatures come more layers of clothing; no one wants to get frostbite or hypothermia. But sitting in classes with a winter jacket, perhaps a sweatshirt, gloves and a hat can be quite a pain. It may be cold outside but it gets rather toasty in the classroom with large amounts of people and the heat cranked. Not to mention you don’t have a lot of room for all your gear while sitting at a desk.

On the plus side of having snow right around the corner, winter break will be here before you know it which gives students a break from homework and classes. It will give you a chance to re-energize yourself before starting another semester of school.

There are all kinds of winter activities that even anti-winter people can enjoy. For instance, a snowball fight is an activity no one is too old for. Going skiing or snowboarding is always fun too, even though I’ve only tried skiing once. I definitely lack the coordination and spent the majority of my time sitting on the ground, but at least I gave it a chance. For those who aren’t too keen on standing while going down a steep hill, there is always sledding or snow tubing. It’s a perfect activity for friends and/or families.

Within a few months all of the snow will melt away and spring will be here. For those winter lovers, I’m sure you will be outside enjoying the crisp-cold air and snow while it’s here. Winter can have its downsides, but upsides as well. People can have a love/ hate relationship with snow, but they have to remember that it doesn’t last forever and to just make the best of it.

Samantha Mayberry is a junior and is majoring in journalism. She is from Rochester, Minn., and loves to read, listen to music and take pictures.
