Concealed carry soon on campus
October 21, 2011
Starting Nov. 1, Governor Scott Walker has ratified the concealed carry law in the state of Wisconsin, which allows adults to carry a concealed weapon legally.
Wisconsin is the 49th state to allow people to carry concealed weapons, leaving Illinois to be the only state that bans concealed carry. Those who wish to carry a weapon must undergo training and obtain a permit. Many regard the law as a matter of safety, but others see it as presenting an unnecessary danger.
Minnesota adopted the concealed carry law in May of 2003, under the Minnesota Citizens’ Personal Protection Act. The concealed carry law in Minnesota surged a great deal of controversy at the time, but is now regarded as commonplace among Minnesota citizens.
Those in favor of the law argue that criminals will be less likely to attack someone who they believe to be armed, and that the Second Amendment to the Constitution upholds an individual’s right to concealed carry. Also, concealed carry may aid in ending public shooting sprees, such as those that occurred at Virginia Tech and Columbine.
Those opposed to the law argue that handguns are not an effective form of self-defense, stating that carrying a weapon increases the chances of a confrontation turning lethal. Also, carry a weapon leads to more instances of unintended injury.
Concealed weapons will be allowed onto campus grounds here at UW-River Falls, however not allowed into any of the University buildings.
Perhaps you have noticed the new signs around campus, which serve as a reminder that weapons are not allowed in the University’s buildings, including athletic buildings and residence halls. Students and other community members are urged to remind anyone who they see carrying a concealed weapon that concealed weapons are not allowed. If the person fails to comply or appears to be threatening, the University Police should be contacted at 715-425-3133.
We here at the Student Voice believe that the impact of this new law will be minimal, though it does create a sort of uneasiness. We believe that if a person were intent on committing a crime, chances are they would not make efforts to obtain a permit in the fi rst place.
We are interested to hear your input on the matter. Feel free to send a letter to the editor at editor@uwrfvoice.com.
Ian on 21 Oct 2011: Instead of carrying guns, we need to carry swords, battle axes, etc. I think that an individual would think twice about messing with someone carrying a sword. We would actually have a lot less violence because it is way easier to fire a gun than to chop someones arm off. Also a sword can't "accidentally" go off.