Student Voice


July 27, 2024

Letter to the editor

Ideas for getting involved on campus

April 1, 2011

In last week’s edition of The Student Voice you wrote a great piece reminding students that it’s never too early to start planning for future careers by gaining experience through internships. While Career Services offers many great opportunities such as Mock Interview Day or the Etiquette Dinner for students to practice their work etiquette and become better job or internship candidates, don’t forget the exciting upcoming event that contributes toward students’ career development – and all they have to do is watch and learn!

This year is the fifth annual Runway to Success event for Career Services, a fashion show that teaches students how to dress professionally for the workplace and showcases professional apparel from stores in the surrounding River Falls area. While students will learn tips on how to better prepare for a business environment, they’re also sure to be entertained by nearly fifty of their classmates “Work’n It” on the runway, the chance to win numerous prizes and even a red-carpet photo shoot prior to entering the show! So even though it may seem like preparing to enter “the real world” may be a whole lot of work, come check out Runway to Success Wednesday, April 6 at 8pm in the Falcon’s Nest to learn that there really is “More Than One Way to Work It!”

Samantha Zastrow
2011 Runway to Success Coordinator
