Student Voice


March 12, 2025

Chief enrollment services position eliminated

April 8, 2011

The position of Associate Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Services, currently held by Alan Tuchtenhagen, is going to be eliminated after the school year is complete.

Tuchtenhagen, who has worked for the UW System for 25 years, said he was notified by Chancellor Dean Van Galen.

He said he plans to file for an early retirement with the UW System and start drawing his retirement, although he plans to continue working elsewhere for a number of years.

The position is technically termed limited and Tuchtenhagen said he serves strictly at the pleasure of the Chancellor.  Tuchtenhagen said he knew that his position could potentially be cut; it just depends on the demand.

Tuchtenhagen said that he perceives the position was cut because of the state budget issues but is not certain.  The Chancellor and Provost are both at a meeting in Platteville and could not be reached for comment.
