Student Voice


January 14, 2025


Voice supports Falcon Promise

December 9, 2010

The Chancellor came to the Student Senate asking for its support on The Falcon Promise: a student investment through differential tuition. The proposal would increase differential tuition for students over a period of three years from $72 to $160. At $160, UW-River Falls would have the third lowest differential tuition in the UW-System.
The Falcon Promise would give these funds to support additional tutoring, undergraduate research, student scholarships and enhanced learning spaces. Supporting this increase would mean that, as Falcons, you are promising to make commitments to help each other learn and grow at this university. As their promise to us, UWRF would match dollar for dollar what students pay in differential tuition.
The Student Voice hopes that as students, you will give the chancellor your support in the implementation of the Falcon Promise, as it was first proposed to Senate.

Senate embarrassed itself Tuesday when several senators felt that they had done enough research over the past few weeks — or felt they had enough personal experience — to counteract months of planning by Chancellor Dean Van Galen, Provost Dr. Fernando P. Delgado and Interim Executive Director of University Advancement and Interim President of UW-River Falls Foundation Dan McGinty.

The Senate became caught up in that what they thought had to be perfectly fair and equal. Certainly not every student needs tutoring help, uses labs for research or wants to study abroad; that doesn’t mean, however, we should deny students who could benefit from those experiences the opportunity.
As Van Galen mentioned at the Tuesday meeting, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.”

At a university where students are taking their exams perched on a spare stool in the corner because there are not enough desks, where students miss out on chances to study abroad or even finish college because they lack the financial means, the Voice has no objections to student money being spent on classroom renovations, tutoring or scholarships.

As a symbol of support from the student body, the Chancellor requested the help of the Senate on this proposition.

But Senate has been inefficient in its representation of the student body, and any backing by them would be considered a detriment rather than an asset.

By making this promise and helping each other, students are also helping themselves, and their university, to better serve future students as it has served this current student body.

Dear readers, we encourage you to contact your Senate representatives and tell them that you support your roommates, neighbors, friends and classmates and The Falcon Promise.


Gina Rice on 15 Feb 2011: Not only do I agree with the comments above, but I disagree with the fact that the Voice is taking sides. It's definitely not atypical, but the Voice should be an informational news source. Outline the Chancellor's proposal in literal and definite terms (as if it were an election), state FAIRLY the arguments each side is posing, and then maybe conduct your own research on the issues being addressed to add more valuable and unbiased information to the story - that's your job. Senate "embarrassed themselves," backing the senate would be "detrimental," and etc. is according to your perception and opinion. You can put it in the Viewpoints section to try to make it okay, but that is for writers to state their personal cases, NOT to speak for the entire paper! Taking a side is not journalism's purpose. Shame on you, and shame on the editor that let you publish this.

Derrick on 25 Jan 2011: I think the Falcon Promise is a waste of student money. I work hard to be at uwrf (like the two poster above me) and believe being here is a privilege...not a right. If you really want it, you can have it. Loans and jobs are available to support you. The problem with my peers today, is that they think working a crappy job is beneath them. It's time to man up and make it happen. The first poster hit it right on, someone should send that to the Chancellor.

Ashlee on 16 Dec 2010: The senate should question proposals that affect students, especially when it comes to our tuition and especially when the student body hasn't even hear much about this. They bring up great points. For instance, why should I be paying for someone else (aka contributing to scholorships) when I myself am struggling too? A majority of students here are working hard to find the means to pay for school and that should not be taking that away from us. There is help out there. If the student doesn't want to put the effort to find it, then they have no business going to school because that's what college is all about: hard work. I don't want to have to work extra hours, which takes away time to study and focus on the material, so that someone else can slack off and get a discount. Kudos to the comment above me!!

Chirs on 10 Dec 2010: This "Falcon Promise" idea sounds like another social program! I'm sick of others FORCING me to pay for things I don't agree with. Lets seriously look over this quote taken from the article above. "At a university where students are taking their exams perched on a spare stool in the corner because there are not enough desks, where students miss out on chances to study abroad or even finish college because they lack the financial means" 1) I've never had to nor have I seen anyone else sit on a stool in the corner of a classroom. If we really have a problem with desk shortages maybe the campus police shouldn't have bought a brand new suburban a few years back. Maybe instead of increasing enrollment each year we should consider if doing so will cheapen the quality of learning taking place. Why blame the students, they didn’t oversell the class? Priorities anyone?? 2) A student’s inability to travel abroad because they don't have the means doesn't mean I should go deeper in debt to help subsidize them. Life is hard and if you really want to travel/study abroad you should get a job and save. The University should never take money from students and redistribute it to others! This honestly makes me sick. 3) Yes college is expensive and sacrifices have to be made to attend. However, they should be made on an individual level. Currently, I can't afford my education; however, I'm not looking for other students to subsidize me via forcibly collected scholarships. I take out student loans and so should any one else that doesn't have the means to pay it up front. Life is tough, however, hard work is satisfying and this is something that my generations (and University leaders) need to understand. So I’m asking you dear readers, to contact your Senate representatives and tell them that you support the American Dream of working hard to get what you desire, that you don’t need a financial promise when you’ve got determination and fortitude.
