Student Voice


March 14, 2025

Letter to the editor

Students should express appreciation for professors’ hard work

May 5, 2010

As students attend their last week of regular classes before finals, they should realize one thing: They are not the only ones on campus that are busy and stressed out.

The faculty has just as much work to do, and most aren’t even thanked or acknowledged for their effort.

Teachers work harder than most other professions and often take their work home with them. During the economic downturn that our country is experiencing, they also have to take several furlough days throughout the academic year.

It is conventional knowledge that teachers are underpaid for their work and this is certainly true for faculty at UW- River Falls. “In 2008-09, UW System faculty salaries were 11.42 percent lower than faculty salaries at comparable peer universities” according to the UW board of regents April meeting agenda.

The faculty is most likely not going to see a raise anytime soon.

“It is estimated that faculty average salaries will be 11.10 percent behind peer median salaries by the end of the 2009-11 biennium and 17.9 percent by 2011-13.”

Even though we have grown out of the stage of giving our teachers a present at the end of the school year, a thank you goes a long way. So before rushing out the classroom after finishing your final exams and projects, please say thank you to your teachers, for they are changing your life whether you realize it now or not. 

Chancellor Dean Van Galen reiterates this opinion on acknowledging teachers. “It is important to thank those in our lives, including educators, who make a difference.”
