Student Voice


March 12, 2025


Job hunt requires sense of confidence, flexibility

April 21, 2010

Bold actions often times lead to bold results. Everyone has a “dream job,” but too many feel that it will stay just that, a dream. My question is who’s to say that you can’t be doing exactly what you want to do?

I’m randomly reminded of an interview of Judd Apatow, the director of movies like “Funny People” and “The 40 Year Old Virgin.” Basically, Mr. Apatow talks about how he bombarded CBS studios with letters and phone calls at a very young age asking how he could be a part of “Late Show.” Though he didn’t get the exact job, the entry level position he received let him eventually write shows like “Freaks and Geeks,” and he has produced most major comedies in the past decade.

Also, he has given many major actors there start in acting (Seth Rogen, James Franco).

My point in all this is if you say your dream job is to do something like “be a photographer for National Geographic,” do it. Write the magazine, get in contact with people that have worked for them in the past (you have a much better chance of getting a hold of them than the editor in chief). 

I have too many people around me that are talk and no action. Though I like to talk a fair amount myself, I try to be as much “action” as possible. I’ve had friends that have told me “you know, I think I’m just going to up and move to Europe someday.”

Cool. I’m all about it.

However, where are you going to live?

How will you make enough money to live comfortably? Do you have the paperwork needed for the move? I’m all about ambition and being spontaneous, but be real about it. If you want to go live in Germany for a while, go ahead and do it. I’ve mentioned it in columns past, but Global Connections here on campus is a great way to “be real about” doing something bold and different.

What does “being bold” even mean? For one, it definitely means going after what you want. Now am I saying this in some lame “got get ‘em!” sort of way? No. I mean it in a grow a pair, stop talking, and do what you want to do sort of way.

We had an editorial in the Voice here about how people need to be realistic when it comes to employment, whether it’s after graduation or for the summer. The editorial made many relevant points that you should check out, but I feel a lot of it boils down to being bold and thorough.

Ever heard of informational interviews?

If you call a place that you potentially want to work at, and you know that they aren’t hiring, an informational interview is a great way to get your foot in the door. 

Not only does it help you get some exposure and even a possible resume on their file, but it can help you clear up uncertainties about a job. Some people might think that all they want to do is teach, but after shadowing a teacher for a couple days, they might be in for an unpleasant surprise.

Though I’m a marketing communications major, I’ve done many informational interviews in a marketing department to find that I in no way shape or form want to be a part of that certain institution. A lot of people are going to come out of college as professional students.

To be honest it’s one of my biggest fears. I’m worried I’ll be pumped full of theory, and when it comes to actually doing certain aspects of a job, I’ll be clueless.
In the end, it’s all up to you. I know it sounds like a inspirational speech you might get from a guidance counselor or parent, but it’s damn true.

Try and examine the situation when it didn’t turn out how you had hoped.

Did you try hard enough? Could you have prepared more?

There’s always room for improvement, always.


Amy V on 22 Apr 2010: You are not a writer, nor is your editor an editor, until you know the difference between "their", "there", and "they're". Also, when you say "Got get 'em", I think you might have put an extra "t" in there.
