Student Voice


February 5, 2025

Letter to the editor

Students should consider voting in this week’s primary election

February 11, 2010

On Tuesday February 16 there will be Primary Elections for local elected offi ces across Wisconsin. In River Falls there will be a Primary Election for Pierce County Judge and for City Council District 4.

In both of these elections the Primary will eliminate 1 out of 3 candidates, leaving the top 2 in the running for the general election on April 6th.

Students who are US Citizens and have maintained a residence in Wisconsin for 10 days by the day of the election are eligible to vote. Dorm rooms count as a residence, so students who live on campus may vote here.

You can register to vote at the polls on election day, to fi nd out what information to bring with you call the River Falls City Clerk at 715-425-0900 extension 3408.

Check where you go to vote and your current registration status at: A sample ballot with the candidate names and offi ces you will be electing is also available at To keep up to date with upcoming election add “River Falls Votes” as a friend on facebook, you will get non-partisan updates on elections and registering to vote.

More and more Students are voting in local elections every year. UWRF Students know that the results of local election impact our lives, our liberties, and our pocketbooks.

I look forward to seeing you voting at the polls on Tuesday February 16.

Ben Plunkett
