Student Voice


October 6, 2024

Letter to the editor

Columnist falls short on facts

March 13, 2009

As a UWRF Student Senator, I would like to comment in regards to Aaron Billingsley’s column in the March 6 edition of the Student Voice.

Apparently, Billingsley doesn’t have his facts straight when it comes to the purpose [of the] Student Senate, also he needs to get his figures straight when it comes to finances.

The business cards only came to $38, far short of the maximum $200 allotted. Also, the $890 iClicker motion has not, and most likely will not be passed. It was a mere suggestion, not intended to be put into effect anytime in any near future.

As for KFA? Student Senate has no real control over the way the buildings are managed. In fact, they are owned and managed by the state and UW System. Also, Rodli needs to continue to be heated so the pipes do not freeze and burst; the utility bill for the entire building last semester came out to less than an apartment would be -- about $50 total. It was the bare minimum necessary to keep the building in working condition for the future.

Billingsley seems to contradict himself by saying we don’t do anything for the students when the “$30,000 surplus” we are trying to get rid of is a motion being looked into for student organizations in need of new capital purchases. They were specifically mentioned in one of our meetings (sorry the minutes have not been posted yet, but if you would like to come into the Senate office, we can provide you with a copy).

If Aaron Billingsley feels he is not included on any of these issues, he should attend any of these open meetings. In fact, anyone is allowed to attend any of the open meetings, in which many people have voiced their opinions. Another option would be to run for Student Senate himself.

Katie Rose, Student Senator
