Student Voice


September 2, 2024

Letter to the editor

Columnist’s claims need evidence

October 24, 2008

Muriel Montgomery makes many loaded charges in her columns of 10/17/08 ("Barack Obama: guilty by association?") and 10/2/08 ("Democrats receive accusa- tions for America's economic struggle").

When I review her writing, I am struck by a two common themes: 1) she asserts that the problems in America are the fault of blacks and poor and 2) there is no evidence to support those assertions.

Ms. Montgomery is entitled to her own opinions, but she is not entitled to her own facts.

She may aspire to be the next Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter, but the Student Voice is not obligated to print her opinions if she will not adhere to some minimal standard of truth.

Michael Kahlow, chemistry professor
