Student Voice


September 2, 2024

Letter to the editor

Bruch understands area concerns

October 31, 2008

I am writing this letter in support of Sarah Bruch. In many conversations with Sarah I believe that she understands what this district needs from a state representative. Sarah listens to people’s concerns and will make her decisions in Madison on what will benefit her constituents the best.

Sarah is running for state assembly because she is concerned of the current path of our government. She will not be interested in the special interests. As a small business owner struggling to make end meet, I believe that she will not forget her humble beginnings as she represents us in Madison. She understands fiscal responsibility and will bring that knowledge and experience to Madison.

As a mother of four, I believe Sarah will make the decisions that will best bene- fit our future in western Wisconsin. She understands the importance of funding education at all levels and the benefit of having an educated population. Sarah also cares about the environment and knows that we need to have a good environment for all our future generations.

As health care costs increase, Sarah knows the importance of having health care available for all families.
Sarah cares deeply for western Wisconsin and wants to be your voice in Madison.

For more information on where Sarah stands on your issue please visit her Web site at

Nate McNaughton, student
