Student Voice


March 14, 2025

Continued debate on Senate budget recommendations

April 24, 2008

For the fourth consecutive week, Student Senate engaged in debate over LDPB’s Student Segregated Fee Allocation Recommendation at Tuesday’s Senate meeting. Two separate points were in contention. First was whether the budget recommendation should be voted on immediately, or if voting should be held for further review during the next week.

“The Issue of Greek funding has still yet to be addressed [properly],” Sen. Matt Dale said. “I want to know what specific policies [apply], where to find them and what can be done.”

“[The policy] needs a lot of interpretation,” Student Senate adviser Gregg Heinselmann said.

Heinselmann added that the UW System policy alludes to denial of funding for Student Organizations that charge dues, but is not specific.  Hinselmann also stated that he had spoken with other schools in the UW System concerning this issue.

“How many weeks are we going to keep [putting this off]?” Mike Pearson, former LDPB chair, asked.

The second matter in contention was whether to pass the budget, assuming a vote took place Tuesday.

“If [students] feel they have been done an injustice, they can use the appeals process,” President Derek Brandt said. “We’re here to serve students.”

Sen. Dan Mahr addressed the urgency of voting so that the “appeals process can be attended to.” Mahr said.

A motion to table the vote until next Tuesday was defeated 3-16. The budget recommendations were approved by roll call vote 16-2 with one abstention.

Other Senate News

*Facilities and Fees Board Chair Krista Hasselquist reported that at 1 p.m. on April 28, Facilities Management will be hosting an open forum regarding summer projects. The forum will be held in the Trimbelle Room in the University Center.
Current projects on the list include renovating the ventilation system in the Kleinpell Fine Arts building and adding air conditioning, as well as renovating the entry steps of North Hall.

*Discussion was raised concerning student involvement on the search and screen committee for the next Chancellor of UWRF.
“Duties would start during the summer and continue into fall semester,” Brandt said. “It [will] be a lot of work, but it [will] help shape the future of our campus.”
The position would give students valubale real-world experience.
“[Students] learn a lot about how to interview [people], how to put together a resume and cover letter ... and a lot of professional prep. I would highly suggest doing this. [The experience] is invaluable,” Hasselquist said.
Interested students can submit a cover letter and resumé to the Involvement Center desk in the University Cente Monday by noonr.

*“We’re looking into a system on campus where there would be free bikes that anyone could use,” Student Affairs and Academic Services Director Jennifer Biss said during her committee report on Tuesday.

*”[UWRF] had an unbelievable student turnout at the [Higher Learning Commission] open forum,” Heinselmann said. “It’s a testament to [students’] level of engagement on this campus.”
Brandt said that over 150 students showed up for the open forum.

*Heinselmann reported that Pat Brady, senior attorney for the UW System, will be sending guidelines concerning the Open Meeting Law.

*A motion to oppose a merit-based tuition system at UWRF was passed 17-1.  A motion to fund the graduation issue of the Student Voice was passed unanimously Tuesday.

Agendas and minutes for Senate meetings are available at the Senate Web site. Senate meetings are held every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Willow River Room of the University Center. Students are encouraged to attend and participate.
