Student Voice


March 15, 2025


College students meet money issues daily

April 3, 2008

Money is something that has great importance in our everyday lives, but holds different value for each and every one of us. Generally, college students can be considered poor. The “poor college student” label is nothing we haven’t heard before, and for good reason.

Being a college student, I know that at this point in our lives, schoolwork and studying are the most important things we should be focusing on. However, the gas tank in the car isn’t going to fill itself, and the lights in the apartment won’t stay on if we don’t pay the electric bill.

These types of expenses are considered a priority, but what about those splurges many college students make that aren’t necessary?

Upon talking to a few students here at UWRF, I have found that while some are saving their weekend earnings for a rainy day, or a future, others are living it up and “enjoying their college life,” as one student told me.

I have noticed that living in a dorm and having a meal at the swipe of a card isn’t giving students a reality check. I’m sure that those students who live off-campus and have to pay their bills and still maintain a healthy college life find it a challenge sometimes and understand the value of a dollar. Those of us who live in the dorms have things quite easy.

Our whole lives here are basically paid for and until the loan payments are due. Basic financial issues are not at the top of our worry list. Much like many other college students, I too have a part-time job that absorbs my weekends, but really it’s only enough to keep the gas tank above “E” and the occasional pizza in my stomach.

Within a couple of years I will no longer have the luxury of swiping a card for food or leaving the lights on while I’m not in the room. Money is definitely changing in value as our college days progress.
Upon realizing this, I couldn’t help but notice that many other people simply don’t consider the “someday” and only live for the moment. While talking to a friend about the issue of saving money, she told me, “life is too short to not enjoy it now. We could die tomorrow and never have experienced something we wanted to try.”

I suppose this is one way to go about it, but what is going to happen when that couple hundred dollars is standing between you and your monthly rent.

Overall, money means a million different things to a million different people, but as college students we need to start thinking about tomorrow and planning for life after the plastic food card.

Linda Abel is double-majoring in marketing communications and business communications with an emphasis in professional organization. In her free time she likes to dance, watch movies, hang out with friends and spend time with family.
