Student Voice


March 14, 2025

Intramurals spring into action

March 27, 2008

Now that students are back on campus after spring break it’s time for intramurals to make a play. For this spring there are only two sports available for students to participate in.

There are men’s, women’s and co-ed softball leagues as well as men’s and co-ed dodgeball leagues.

According to Kurran Sagan, the recreational leadership coordinator, dodgeball is still a new league, having only been created a couple of years ago.

Both of these leagues start up at the end of March and cost $10 to play. This cost refers to the whole team.

For teams to get involved in the leagues they must have a captain go to the captain’s meeting Thursday, March 27 in the University Center.

Not as many people are interested in spring intramurals as in the fall.

“In the fall, we had around 2,900 participants and in the spring, we anticipate to have around 2,500 participants,” Sagan said.

“Usually about 35 percent of those are returning from the previous semester.”

The dropoff has to do with the limited number of leagues offered during the spring as compared to the fall.

“In the fall we have basketball, volleyball and broomball, there is more for students to participate in,” Sagan said.

Typically, there are only one or two leagues playing at a time to make sure that students can participate in as many sports as they choose. Sagan also said that scheduling is a concern.

“We want to make sure we offer some outdoor activities, such as softball, so it just makes sense to space out the activities,” Sagan said.

For those students who don’t wish to join a league, there are one and two day tournaments available in April and May. These tournaments include floor hockey, badminton, volleyball and softball.

Some of these tournaments are free of charge for all students. The two tournaments that cost $10 are finals fest softball and floor hockey. The cost is due to the number of members participating as well as the length of the events.

The events are held in four areas around campus.

“We have events in Knowles, Karges, Hunt Arena and the intramural fields,” Sagan said.

The $10 charge for intramurals is changing next year.

“We are looking into raising our prices next year to $20 to cover labor cost,” Sagan said. “But even at $20, UWRF will still have one of the lowest prices for intramural sports in the UW-System.”

The softball and dodgeball leagues begin their games March 31.
