Student Voice


July 26, 2024

Letter to the editor

The Voice fails to check its facts

December 7, 2007

Dear Student Voice editors, my name is Michael Defenbaugh and I am a 5th year Music Education Major. I’m writing in regards to last week’s "Voice Shorts Articles." You give readers the opportunity to see that there are “Several Holiday Concerts To Take Place,” but you provide what is completely false and inaccurate material. You first tell readers that there is a Holiday Choir Concert Dec. 2 and you give a brief list of the repertoire that they will be singing. It would be beneficial, though, if this were actually the music that they were singing in the concert. There is also a second announcement of a "New Music Ensemble Concert" which you announce is to be performed at 8 p.m. Dec. 2. Well, they actually performed at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4. The article also goes on to say that they will be doing interpretive drawings, which never happened and was never a part of the concert at all. What I really like in this article is that it says the ensemble will feature works by composers Cornelius Cardrew, Yoko Ono and Roger Johnson. That is all well and good, but works by these composers were done six years ago on a program, and none of them were featured at all in this concert. Lastly, the article goes on to say that there is a fee for adults, seniors and as well as students, but little does the Voice know that concerts such as this are completely free.

Students at UWRF, I say to you: these are the people that are informing you of what is going on here, and more sadly, these are the people that are going to graduate with degrees in the journalism field. It is frustrating to me as a music student when I see publicity that is not only false, but has no relevance to the concert at all. Students, please be advised that all upcoming concerts and times are appropriately listed on our UWRF music Web site. Thank you.

Michael Defenbaugh
