Student Voice


February 16, 2025

Voice Shorts

October 25, 2007

Freeman Drug robbed for the second time
River Falls Police have a man in custody after Freeman Drug Inc. was robbed for the second time this month Wednesday morning.  The 47-year-old male suspect came into the pharmacy demanding OxyContin, and poured a flammable liquid on the floor, police said.  The suspect was given a bottle of the drug; he then ran out of the store.  Pharmacy owner Leah Gavin chased the man down, and with the aid of a citizen, the suspect was caught and held while the River Falls Police were notified.
Police arrived and brought the man to the River Falls Police Station. Shortly after arriving, the man collapsed.  He was then transported to the River Falls Area Hospital to be evaluated. He was then taken to the Pierce County Jail. 
This robbery and a similar robbery that occurred Oct. 15 at Freeman are being investigated by the River Falls Police Department.

Chancellor continues Coffee with The Times
Chancellor Don Betz will discuss issues in the Middle East. The talk entitled “Transitions in the Middle East” will spend time discussing the proposed international conference currently championed by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, plus Iraq after the Petraeus/Crocker report, and the role of Iran in the political waters of the Middle East. All of these issues have been raised in The New York Times in recent weeks. Betz chose the topic due to the number of significant issues currently on the global political agenda that are centered in the Middle East.
Betz has a continuing professional interest in the region and its issues. From 1982 through 2003, Betz worked for and with the United Nations on Middle East issues. He created and chaired the International Coordinating Committee on the Question of Palestine (ICCP), a UN-affiliated non-governmental organization (NGO) network pursuing peace in the Middle East based on UN resolutions.
The event will be held 3:30 p.m., Oct. 30, 1874 Room in the University Center. The event is free and open to the public. The Coffee With the Times series is sponsored by the American Democracy Project and The New York Times Readership Program at UW-River Falls. For more information, please contact Colleen Callahan at 715-425-3169.

Cyber Security Awareness Month ends
The final week in October is a comprehensive review of all previous security topics. There will be a haunted house in FredNet Services (basement of East Hathorn) all day on Halloween (Oct. 31) with free candy, spooky decorations, information packets and techs available to answer your questions. The haunted house will be open between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.
Look for more information online at,, and on Channel 24.  Also look for fliers at the IT Services Helpdesk (basement of Chalmer Davee Library), front desks of residence halls and the University Center.

Local horror films showcased on campus
On Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. students can watch local horror films. The event will feature pure Midwestern horror and macabre, and show films from Wisconsin and Minnesota’s disturbed independent filmmaker. Featured titles include: “There’s a Werewolf in my Attic,” “Your Next 3: Pajama Party Massacre,” “Unsettled, Beerwolf,” and many more short films including trailers and coming attractions. These films are unrated and contain graphic content including: violence, gore, nudity, foul language and other disturbing images.
This event is free and open to the public. The films will be shown at the University Center in the Kinnikinnic Theater.

Campus Lab Farm hosts haunted pavilion
From 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Halloween night at the lab farm, there will be a family-friendly haunted house. There will be a $4 admission, or $3 with a non-perishable food item. Children ages 6 and under are free. Refreshments and candy will be provided at the end.
The spooky festivities take place at Lab Farm 1.

Symphony band to play a tribute concert
At 7:30 p.m. Nov. 1, there will be a tribute concert for John Zdechlik, a composer and conductor. Zdechlik is a native of Minneapolis, Minn.
Zdechlik has composed over 60 works for band, small ensembles and solo musicians. He is still writing, conducting, and traveling as a guest conductor and clinician. He is the conductor for the Minneapolis Brass Ensemble. A Tribute to John Zdechlik will feature Andy Parks on Concerto for Horn and Balade featuring Rick Gaynor, Euphonium. The concert program will include the World Premiere of On a Thomas Tallis Theme. Come meet John Zdechlik and listen to his lifetime contributions to the musical world.
The concert is open to everyone. Adults are $5, seniors $3, students with ID $2. The event will be held in William Abbott Concert Hall.

Guest to visit UWRF from Guthrie Theatre
Nov. 2, from 11 12:30 p.m. Mel Springer, master props craftsperson from the Guthrie Theatre, will be speaking in the Stage Technology and Scene Design Class.
Everyone is welcome. Come hear Mel talk about his work as a prop artist and see the techniques he uses to solve artistic problems for the Guthrie Theatre.
If you have any questions please contact Ken Stofferahn, B2 Kleinpell Fine Arts. The event is free and will be held in 108 Kleinpell Fine Arts.

UWRF Athletes Trick or Treat for canned goods
The UW-River Falls student athletes will be collecting canned goods this Halloween as part of their annual Trick or Treat for Canned Goods. Members of various athletic teams will be trick or treating throughout the community on Oct. 31 in hopes of collecting canned or non-perishable goods for the local food shelves.  Last year this program collected 879 food items, and this year’s goal is 1,500.
If you wish to donate to this cause but will not be at home on Halloween evening, there will be a donation bin in the Karges Center through Nov. 2. This program is sponsored by the Student Athlete Advisory Committee. S.A.A.C. is an organization committed to enhancing the student athlete experience through community involvement.
