Student Voice


March 13, 2025


New freedoms require freshmen to take extra precautions

October 11, 2007

We freshmen have now had a whole month to start getting a feel of what real college parties are like. Wow, are they ever amazing. It wasn’t long ago that I was walking in the front door of my house at my midnight curfew and wishing that I didn’t have anyone to tell me what to do and when to be home. Now I finally have that freedom, and I’m taking full advantage of it.

I’m sure that most of the freshmen have gone out and tried some parties. I’m also pretty sure that some of them have gotten in a little too far over their heads. Speaking from experience, this new freedom definitely has its pros and cons. We can stay out as late as we want, go anywhere we want, no matter what time it is, and of course we can enjoy a “beverage of choice” if we feel the need. This is all wonderful until you look at the cons.

I was at a party a few weeks ago, and, as I had anticipated, I was fully enjoying my new freedoms. Needless to say, there was a little beer involved. Everything was going well. About 45 minutes after I had taken my last drink, the bright glow of a flashlight showed through the window.

In one quick motion someone yelled “Cops!” and shut the music off. This was my first run-in with the law on such a level. I had no idea what to do. If this hasn’t happened to you, trust me—you don’t want it to.

The cops came down demanding IDs and breathalyzers. I thought for sure I was going down. I started to shake, my hands were sweating, and my skin broke out in hives. I have never been so nervous. Luckily, I had stopped drinking in time and blew a zero.

Nevertheless, I have definitely been learning more outside of the classroom than in. If I can tell anything to you freshmen here at UWRF, it’s to be careful. Enjoy your freedom, but just be ready for the repercussions that come along with it.

Linda Abel is double-majoring in marketing communications and business communications with an emphasis in professional organization. In her free time she likes to dance, watch movies, hang out with friends and spend time with family.
