Student Voice


March 11, 2025

Letter to the editor

ECO letter of thanks

May 4, 2007

UW-RF ECO would like to thank everyone that participated in the Earth Week events several weeks ago. Together we cleaned up the South Fork and other areas, toured the recycling center, and heard an excellent speech about the small window of opportunity we have to combat global climate change by David Orr.

One thing each and every one of us can do is drive less. This is just what hundreds of students, faculty, and River Falls residents did during our 2nd Annual Drive To Not Drive. We left our cars at home and walked, biked, carpooled, or used other means of alternative transportation to get to where we were going. Driving less reduces carbon emissions, makes our air cleaner, lessens our dependence on foreign oil, makes us healthier, helps local businesses, and has many more benefits.

We did conduct a survey during the Drive. Many people would like to see a city-wide bus service in River Falls, more bike racks, and better lit and safer bike paths. Still more would like to see safer on crosswalks on Cascade Avenue as well as Main Street. We hope the University and the City of River Falls can work together to address these issues and make alternative transportation safer and easier for students and residents.

So remember — when you can — leave your car at home. Get there a different way!

Paul Erdmann
