Student Voice


March 6, 2025

CBE hosts annual awards reception

May 3, 2007

The annual College of Business and Economics (CBE) awards and reception was held at 7 p.m. Monday in the Riverview Ballroom of the University Center to honor those students who achieved academic merit this academic year.

Students who were invited to attend the prestigious event include those in Sigma Beta Delta and the masters of management program, as well as students receiving academic scholarships.

"It is important to honor students who have achieved academic success in our college, and we look forward to recognizing them for their hard work," said Ellen Schultz, academic advisor and coordinator of the CBE awards ceremony.

Sigma Beta Delta is an international honor society which allows students being inducted to be recognized for their achievements in business, management and administration.

"Membership in Sigma Beta Delta is the highest national recognition a business student can receive at a college or university. In order to be eligible for membership, a business student must rank in the upper ten percent of the junior, twenty percent senior or master's class and be invited to membership by the faculty officers," Schultz said.

Juniors, seniors, masters of management students and faculty were also inducted into Sigma Beta Delta.

The ceremony began with CBE Dean Barbara Nemecek and Provost Charlie Hurt welcoming every student, their families and faculty members.

Many awards were given out starting with merits for students who achieved in academics and finishing at the top of their class.

One student was honored to receive senior merit.

"It was nice to receive an award such as the senior merit," marketing communications major Lance Wiersma said. "It's a great way to recap all of my hard work the last four years."

Stephanie Schotthofer, senior and summa cum laude recipient, said she was also grateful for such an achievement.

"It was a positive end to my college career," Schotthofer said. "I felt like my hard work has paid off."

Summa cum laude is awarded to graduating seniors who have maintained a minimum cumulative 3.9 grade point average for their entire college career, at all institutions, with no outstanding Fs, incompletes or satisfactory progress grades, according to the UW-River Falls Web site.

Following the graduation honors was the acknowledgement of students who received scholarship awards.

A variety of UWRF scholarships were given out, including: the Andersen Foundation Scholarship, Marcel K. Lynum scholarship and a University Women's Club Scholarship.

There were also a number of CBE scholarships awarded to students.

The attendees of the ceremony found the reception to be gratifying.

"It was very enjoyable," Schotthofer said. "It was nice to see the accomplishments of the CBE and those within the college."

Wiersma said the reception was nice and the ballroom is a great facility for reception such as the awards banquet he attended.

Another group of recognized students who attended the ceremony was the masters of management graduates.

The masters of management program at UWRF is a graduate degree program that teaches students to be successful managers through a series of decision making and communication skills.

To earn the master's degree at UWRF, you will need to complete 10 required courses plus electives, including Practicum (Management 710), for a total of 30 graduate-level credits, according the UWRF Web site.
