Student Voice


January 14, 2025

Motion to serve alcohol on campus tabled

April 12, 2007

A motion to discuss the possibility of serving alcohol on campus was tabled until next week.

According to the Senate agenda, the motion is stated as follows: "Whereas River Falls is one of the only campuses in the system which does not currently sell alcohol on campus, and whereas, having a venue which can sell alcoholic beverages on campus would provide a safer environment for students to socialize. Therefore be it resolved, the Student Association Student Senate fully support investigating the possibility of selling alcohol on campus."

Vice President Derek Brandt said Senate has not taken an official stance on the matter.

“Either way if that motion was approved, it would only state that we are supportive of the investigation into alcohol on campus,” Brandt said. “Then if administration deemed becoming a wet campus a possible thing, we would then look into the issue more in depth in regards to the repercussions upon student life.”

Currently Senate needs large quantities of student involvement on this matter.

“We would not really be looking for massive student input on the issue unless it were to move into further stages of its development,” Brandt said. “...administration is looking in to the option so students can be aware.”

Other Senate news

  • A large topic of discussion for Senate was to discuss the need for applications for new positions for next fall. All students who wish to apply for Senate must apply by noon on Monday. The bylaws were also revised to keep them updated with the changes from the Leadership Center to the Involvement Center. Senate elections will take place starting at 8 a.m. April 23 and will conclude at 4 p.m. April 24.
  • Also, Student Senate passed a motion to have the Willow Room of the University Center used by the discretion of the Senate. Student Senate donated a large portion of money to reserve the room. Following Senate, the room will be given to Leadership Development and Programming Board and the Facilities and Fees Board.
  • Jim Vierling said that one time funding requests are due April 20. The requests are due at the Involvement Center.

The next Student Senate meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Willow River Room of the University Center.
