Student Voice


March 12, 2025

Election results unofficial, grievances filed

April 26, 2007

Even though elections took place Monday and Tuesday in the University Center, results were not part of any conversation during Tuesday night’s Student Senate meeting.

Currently, Derek Brandt stands as president with Sara Deick as vice president. Though a grievance was filed about the vote for United Council, the unofficial result is that it did not pass.

Complete results will become available next week.

The motion presented Tuesday that sparked the most discussion dealt with the changing of Student Senate bylaws. Last spring the bylaws were changed to require motions to go through a committee for approval before being presented to Senate during a meeting. Before the change in bylaws, the process for motion approval was expedited by allowing them to be moved by a Senate member, seconded by another member then presented directly at a meeting with any involvement of a Student Senate committee.

The motion presented Tuesday reverts back to the old bylaws allowing motions to skip over the committee-approval step.

Facilities and Fees Board Chair Jim Vierling opposed the change in bylaws.

“It allows the committees to be involved and more aware of what’s going on,” Vierling said.

In response to Vierlings concerns about committees being kept out of the loop, and finances being approved before the finance committee is aware of what’s going on, Eggers added a friendly amendment stating that all motions dealing with money must go through the finance committee first.

“Motions themselves are usually useless,” Eggers said. “There is a clause that motions can be referred back to committees if something does come up.”
