Student Voice


March 12, 2025

Differential tuition approved

April 19, 2007

The Board of Regents approved the implementation of differential tuition for UW-River Falls students April 13.

Beginning in fall 2007, students will pay an additional $36 per semester.

It will average out to about 29 cents per day, Chancellor Don Betz said.

“It will generate about $300,000 to $380,000 total per year,” he said.

Mary Halada, vice chancellor for administration and finance, said the differential tuition will help pay for library resources, a testing services center and undergraduate and scholarly research expenses.

Chalmer Davee Library hours will be extended by 15 hours per week and more online journals and references will be purchased.r

The new testing services center will provide students with tutoring services, learning disability tests, and a place to make up exams or take graduate exams.

The differential tuition will help undergraduate and scholarly research programs and pay for expenses, such as travel to conferences to present research.

“The campuses who have done it have seen improvements,” Budget Director Kristen Hendrickson said. “The state doesn’t provide funding for these things.”

The BOR also approved to renew differential tuition for UW-Oshkosh and the implementation of the program for UW-Madison.

Students at UW-Oshkosh pay a $55-per-semester differential.

Next fall, students at UW-Madison who are in the bachelor’s of business administration major will have a $500-per-semester differential. Students pursuing a certificate in business will pay a $150-per-semester differential.
