Student Voice


September 14, 2024

Texas Hold ‘Em tourney makes its return to UWRF

November 16, 2006

The second-annual Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament will be held on Nov. 28 to raise money for the Health and Human Performance Club (HPER).

Senior HPER member Mike Pepin said he thinks there are many reasons why students should join in the tournament.

“I feel that this can be an opportunity for students to meet other students with similar interests of playing cards,” Pepin said. “Hold ‘Em is one of the hottest things going right now, and this tournament will be a chance to learn the game in a very non-threatening atmosphere. I want the participants to understand how easy and fun it is to play and win at this game.”

Pepin also said last year’s tournament did not have a high turnout.

“Last year, they scheduled the event on a Saturday morning,” he said. “This is not a university that keeps many students on the weekends, and if they are here, they’re not going to be up by 9 a.m. on a Saturday.”

Pepin said this year HPER wanted the tourney to be suited for students.

“We are promoting a fun, cheap and entertaining weekday event in the early evening,” he said.

Senior Katie Richardson is also a member of HPER and is working closely with the Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament.

Richardson is on the advertising committee and will be a dealer on the day of the tournament.

Though the tournament is only in its second year, Richardson said she hopes it will be an ongoing event.

“I believe we are going to try keeping it going on a yearly basis,” she said.

Richardson said if a tournament is not held next year, another event will more than likely take its place.

The money raised at the tournament will be put back into the club, mostly for its members. HPER is a campus organization for all majors and minors seeking a health and human performance degree.

The group’s purpose is to provide members with information about the department and future job opportunities such as working with children, volunteer experience and activities to use in a classroom and work setting. In addition, HPER aims to provide information about the health and physical education profession.

“The money we make will help support students that would like to go to state and
national conferences, as well as some other educational things, such as paying a part of the Body Worlds for students who are members of HPER Club,” Richardson said.

Body Worlds is a current exhibit held at the Science Museum of Minnesota, which explores real human cadavers.

If Richardson’s predictions are correct, about 120 students will participate in the tournament.

If Texas Hold ‘Em is not a student’s forte, door prizes will be given out regardless of how they do in the tournament.

The prizes include: buy-in to a Treasure Island tournament, semester passes to the UWRF weight room, T-shirts and more.

“There will be many prizes given out throughout the night as door prizes that were donated by local businesses,” Richardson said.

Some of the donations came from McDonald’s, Subway, Shopko and Wal-Mart.
The Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament will be held Nov. 28 at 6:45 p.m. in Karges Gym. Registration forms are available in the health and human performance office, Karges 111. The cost is $3 for pre-registration and $5 at the door.
